Terms & conditions

Last updated: 11 May 2024

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website. By using it you agree to the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this website.

We may change or otherwise modify these terms and conditions in the future. By continuing to use this website confirms your acceptance of the changes or modifications to the terms and conditions. We recommend that you review this page regularly to ensure you have read the most current version of our terms and conditions. The last updated date can be found at the top of this page.

Who we are

Appliance Nation is a price comparison website provided solely to assist consumers, to help find products and compare prices.


The terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “website” refer to Appliance Nation. The term “you” refers to the consumer visiting and/or using the website.

Privacy policy

For more information regarding our privacy policy, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

Product information

The product information provided on our website has been made accessible by either manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, publications and public sources. The product information includes specifications, images, descriptions and prices. All of the information provided on our website should be as up-to-date and accurate as possible, however, we cannot guarantee this and insist consumers conduct their own research prior to making a purchase to ensure the accuracy of any product information and prices.

If you notice an error on our site, whether it be an incorrect price, wrong product link or anything else, please let us know using the Report a problem form.

Appliance Nation cannot guarantee that the information provided on our website is correct and will not be held liable for any action taken, based on the product information and/or pricing provided. We also can not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any business conducted with any company listed on our site.

Appliance Nation contains external links to other websites. Consumers will be taken to an external website when pressing the ‘More info’ button on any product page. All external links are owned and operated by vendors or other third parties. You acknowledge that Appliance Nation is not responsible for any content or information located on or through external links.


Appliance Nation has an agreement with each merchant listed on our site, in which we receive a commission from the merchant if a consumer makes a qualifying purchase, when redirected from our website. This agreement does not have any influence on which order merchants appear on our site. Our website is solely a price comparison site and as default, should always show the cheapest merchants at the top, when viewing a product. The prices shown are for the product only and do not include any additional charges the retailer may apply such as delivery or installation fees etc.

All merchants listed on Appliance Nation are independent third parties and Appliance Nation is not acting as an agent, broker or principal with respect to any merchants. Any contracts, communication or purchases made with any merchants on our site are solely between you and the merchant. You agree to not hold Appliance Nation liable for any loss or damage of any sort, that has been incurred as a result of any contact or business conducted with any merchant through our site.


Appliance Nation is free to use and will never ask for payment details. Any payments made when purchasing from a merchant are solely between you and the merchant. Appliance Nation shall have no responsibility for transmission of funds due to any merchant and you are responsible for transmitting all payments due on the terms agreed.


When visiting our site, you have the option to contact us for various reasons such as, submit a deal, report a problem, contact our customer service department or to set lowest price alert. When doing so you are communicating with us electronically. By using this site, you hereby agree that all communication provided electronically satisfies any legal requirement.

Site changes

Appliance Nation reserves the right to amend all aspects of this site at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice. Changes may include content, services provided or the design of our website.

No endorsement

Mention of third-party products or services, including the use of trademarks or links to the websites of merchants, is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of those merchants. In addition, such use of trademarks or links to the websites of merchants is not intended to imply, directly or indirectly, that those merchants endorse or have any affiliation with Appliance Nation.

Appliance Nation
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